How to Cancel your UAE Residence Visa?

If you are in a situation where you are required to leave the UAE forever, it would be advisable to cancel your UAE residence visa. The process of cancelling a visa in the UAE is easy. You need to be familiar with a few things so that you can cancel the visa. You must ensure that the process is smooth.

In this piece, we will discuss everything related to the cancellation of a UAE residence visa.

Who is permitted to cancel your residence visa?

Your visa sponsor is the only person/establishment who may cancel your residence visa. You must submit the documents to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation for this procedure to be carried out. That is where all documentation will be done before your application is handled. Before cancelling, the business must also apply at the GDRFA. As a worker, you additionally need to sign the application to get approval.

How can an organization apply to cancel the UAE residence visa?

You must check your work visa and agreement. If your company cancels the visa, you can submit the documents. You must sign the documents. Furthermore, you must submit it to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation.

Your organization needs to drop your work grant also. You must get a written document as approval. When you want to cancel a residence visa, the company must close all the advantages you get. After that, they can provide in written form that every deal between you and the company is clear.

Your company must provide these documents. After that, you can also visit the GDRFA to complete the further cancellation process.

Two strategies for cancelling a residence visa

There are two essential moves to take when cancelling a residence visa. You can do it on the web or through their physical office.

Via a typing center

The sponsor will visit a GDRFA-registered typing centre. There they must fill out the visa cancellation form. Then you can move forward with an online application.

Via an online portal

Most people prefer the online process of cancelling a visa. It is fast and simple. The sponsor must follow the rules of GDRFA for the visa cancellation process.

Documents required

You must submit the following documents to cancel the visa:

  • Signature of the sponsor in the cancellation form.
  • Company stamp if the sponsor is a company.
  • Clearance certificate from Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
  • Original Passport
  • Original Identity Card

Can you leave the UAE without the cancellation of your visa?

Staying away from UAE for 6 months will lead to visa cancellation. If you do not enter the country in six months, you cannot use the same visa later. Therefore, you may not need to come back to the UAE to cancel your visa.

If you leave the UAE without cancelling the work visa, the employer may report you. Your company is likely to report you as absconding from the company. Thus, you will be prohibited from entering the UAE in the future. Even when you apply for a new visa, the authorities will reject it. Moreover, if you manage to enter the UAE, the authorities will arrest you at the airport.

As a visa holder, you must follow the legal process to cancel your visa. Before you leave the UAE, you must follow all the residence visa cancellation processes.

Visa cancellation post the six-month period

If you are not able to return to the UAE in 6 months, it will lead to visa cancellation. Although your previous visa is invalid, you will need to cancel it. This is valid if you want to visit the UAE again. If you did not inform your employer, you will need to find some other way. You can join a new company that can help you apply for a visa. Furthermore, the new employer may also sponsor your new visa.

After the current visa cancellation process, you can apply for a new UAE residence visa. You will get the permit to enter the UAE again. However, you must appear for the medical test and get your Emirates ID. If you want a tourist visa, you can apply for same from a visa agent. Once you enter the UAE, you can also change your status to a residence visa. Therefore, you must get Emirates ID and get visa stamping done too.

When would it be a good idea for you to cancel your UAE Visa?

In case you are wondering when it would be the right time to ask your sponsor to cancel your visa, you must do so immediately.

If you want to change your career and leave the UAE for a short time, you don’t need to cancel your visa. If your employer sponsors the UAE visa, they should be the ones to cancel it.

How long does the cancellation process last?

The UAE residence visa cancellation process is easy. You and your employer do not need to put in a lot of effort. Subsequently, it did not take long to get the cancellation. The application interaction might be 1 or 2 working days.

Sometimes cancelling the work visa can take more than one day. Remember that your manager ought to complete this step.

Thus, the whole cancelling cycle might require up to three working days altogether.

You must meet the criteria to cancel the visa. No matter what the reason is you can contact your employer or authorities to cancel the visa. If you have family members, you must cancel their residence visa too. If you are sponsoring anyone under you, before cancelling your visa, you must cancel their visa. Therefore, you must follow all the rules and regulations of the authorities carefully.
