Dubai Residence Visa

There can be several occasions and reasons why one would need a residence visa in Dubai. Not only in the general cases of requiring to stay in Dubai for employment or business purposes, but other reasons might also include- owning a property in Dubai, and close relatives (and maids and servants) needing to move to the UAE with the primary applicant.

As per the reason for applying for the UAE residence visa, the process to get the same may depend. Therefore, it is always the best idea to hand over the task of a Dubai Residence Visa to a professional service provider like PRO Services.

A Dubai residence visa process is only started once the concerned foreigner is inside the UAE after clearing the initial entry permits or via tourist visas, and is above 18 years of age. The applicant must also undergo a Dubai residence visa medical test to prove the person is physically fit. Also, the person needs to apply for an ID card issued by the government and go through a security test.

What are the Documents Required for Applying for Dubai Residence Visa?

It is probably the best feeling for anybody who has gotten a job in Dubai and is now looking forward to bringing their family to Dubai. Here are the few essential documents you’ve got to keep handy while applying for a residence visa for your family.

  • Residence visa application form
  • Passports of the members with at least six months validity- attested
  • Clear passport-sized photograph for each dependent applying
  • Marriage certificate if sponsoring a spouse
  • Birth certificate if sponsoring children
  • If the daughter is above 18, a written statement certifying her unmarried
  • Attested contract of the employer and salary certificate. Specific requirements are there for those whose residents are employer-sponsored and for them whose aren’t.
  • Three months’ worth of bank statement
  • The original and attested contract for rent
  • Latest electricity and water bill

How much does it cost to obtain a Dubai residency?

The procedure of obtaining a residence visa for Dubai is subject to certain fees, depending on the type of permit to be obtained. These costs can imply:

  • the service fees which refer to obtaining the visa processing fee, the knowledge, and innovation fee;
  • the fee related to obtaining the medical certificate after the medical evaluation
  • the fee for obtaining an e-residence permit or for changing the expiring visa
  • the bank fees and the fee related to having the Ministry of Labor approved the work visa

The processing time for residency visas has decreased during the last years and, for quick and simple application procedures, you may request the services of our company incorporation agents in Dubai

Utilize Pro Services’ top-notch Dubai visa services, particularly for residence visas, and you can soon envision yourself and your family spending time together in Dubai.
